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7 Easy Content Ideas You May Be Overlooking

Written by Jasmine LeBlanc | 7/26/22 12:30 PM

Are you finding it hard to develop content ideas for your blog or social media?

If so, you're not alone. Developing new, engaging content ideas that capture your audience's attention is tough. But don't worry - you may be overlooking many different content ideas.

In this post, we'll share seven easy content ideas that you can start using today. So read on to learn more!

7 Easy Content Ideas


1. Success Stories

Success stories are a great way to showcase how well your organization is doing to your audience. You can write a blog post celebrating your organization's anniversary and discussing everything you’ve accomplished that year.

Another option is to announce the successful completion of a project accompanied.

Success stories are even more effective when photos and videos are included to help the reader visualize your efforts.


2. Events

Events are great to use for content because you can create informative blog posts both before and after it occurs. Beforehand, use your blog to promote the event. You can write posts describing the event or providing more details about hosting it. Be sure to include a call-to-action on the page so that your reader can register for the event.

After the event, write a summary and include any photos or videos. Send this post in a follow-up email to your attendees to re-engage with them after the event. This content is also relevant to people who didn’t attend so they can see what they missed.


3. Industry News

Writing about hot topics in your industry can help increase website traffic and guide your organization in becoming a credible source of knowledge to your audience. These posts can simply be informative or can be your viewpoint on the subject. The goal is to show that you are keeping up with current events in your field. To build reliability, make sure to link to reputable resources in your post. This is a great way to keep your audience informed about the latest trends and ensure you stay up to date too.

4. Testimonials

Sharing testimonials from your organization’s advocates or staff members is a great way to add social proof to your website. Social proof is a popular psychological concept that people’s opinions and decisions are influenced by the experiences and preferences of other individuals. So, if your current customers and staff are happy with your services, they are more likely to believe they will be too.

The great thing is that these posts don’t require much time to put together. Simply compile reviews or testimonials from your advocates or quickly interview a staff member. Their words will be the majority of your content and will greatly impact your readers.


5. Staff Highlights

Introducing your readers to your team members through staff highlight posts can make your organization seem more approachable. Depending on your organization’s brand, these can be fun and quirky or more refined to boast about your employee’s accomplishments. To easily generate these posts, send your team a questionnaire to fill out and use their answers as your content.


6. Awards

Anytime your organization is recognized with an award, you should share it with your audience. This lets them know that you are a thought-leader in your industry and helps establish credibility. By spotlighting your achievements, you are reminding your current followers why they support you and letting prospects know what sets you apart from the competition.


7. Press Coverage

If your local news runs a positive story about your organization, then be sure to share it with your followers. This can be as easy as sharing a social media post or writing a quick blog post explaining why your organization made it in the news and link to the article.

Press coverage lets your audience know that you’re well-known in the community and can urge them to continue to be associated with your organization. The best part is that the content is already written for you! You just have to share it.


By ensuring that your organization creates this easy content, you’ll cover all the bases in your overall strategy while still impacting your audience. Posting consistent content will help your organization establish a credible online reputation.


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