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Tips for Local Restaurant Owners and Their Communities During COVID-19

Written by Michelle Givens | 3/24/20 6:45 PM

As we mentioned in our March 19, 2020 Facebook live, we will be providing helpful information for small businesses and marketing professionals to better navigate the changing landscape caused by COVID-19.

COVID-19 has quickly come and made 2020 along with the new decade unforgettable. And with Government regulations,  and outbreak levels changing daily, it's becoming harder and harder for B2C companies, especially restaurants, to keep afloat. So I've been curating some helpful articles to small businesses and marketing professionals better navigate this crisis.

In this specific post, I am providing some of those curated items specifically for restaurants to help generate revenue during this outbreak, ways for the local community to uplift these restaurants, and even ways for restaurants and the community together to pay it forward to those on the frontlines or in dire need at this time.

Restaurant owners, deliver orders to your customers

So we'll start by providing helpful articles for restaurants to try to maintain sales during this difficult time.

Use a digital delivery platform

Since your customers can't come to you as easily or maybe are less comfortable doing so, delivery is a great way to get your food to your customers. And I'm sure most restaurant owners are familiar with food delivery platforms, but you may have been hesitant to adopt this technology because these delivery platforms have charged hefty fees for their services. However, temporarily, Uber Eats and Doordash are waving the restaurant side fees. So one of those platforms may help you get your orders into the hands of more customers in the days to come. And locally, in the north Alabama area, you can also work with Grub South To get set up with delivery.

Convert waiters to delivery drivers

If you have a large staff that you want to keep employed. Another creative solution to providing restaurant delivery is to transition your waiter staff to delivery drivers.

Creatively mobilize your food trucks

If you have a mobile food truck for your restaurant, then consider working with your City officials and homeowners associations to see if you can set up directly in neighborhoods during meal times.

Customers, support your local restaurants

If you have a favorite restaurant, especially a local one, there's no doubt about it they need your support now more than ever. There are many ways you can help local restaurants the first and foremost is to order food from them whether it's curbside pickup or delivery, buy gift certificates or gift cards, and last, but definitely not least, be sure to tip the staff.

Locally here, in the north Alabama area, the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce has a current list of restaurants that are local and open for curbside or deliver during the COVID-19 outbreak. Please support them.

Everyone, support those in need

Emergency care workers, school lunch students, people in poverty, and others that have lost work due to the COVID-19 outbreak undoubtedly there's more need than ever in our community for everyone to give where they can.

If you're a restaurant owner, consider making meals for those in need with extra inventory that you have that may be close to expiring.

Restaurant owners and customers, work together to provide meals to those in need. Get creative, use social media to allow your customers to buy meals for emergency care workers or to help fund meals that you as a restaurant can make available to those in need.

I hope that this article helps our local restaurant owners owners out there. And everyone elsef you know of any other great resources for restaurant owners or ways for people to buy locally from restaurants, feel free to DM Image in a Box on Instagram.

Now I'm hungry let's go order something to eat!